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Mental Health First Aid is a valuable course that seeks to decrease stigma, and increase understanding of mental illnesses, interventions, resources, and supports.  While it doesn't teach participants to be counsellors, it does build skills in recognizing mental health problems, increasing confidence in having some difficult conversations, decreases stigma, and decreases social distance between helpers and those who may be suffering.


Mental Health First Aid is rooted in research, ongoing development, and consistent program delivery in order to provide the best outcomes possible.  It is classified by the Public Health Agency of Canada as a best practice, meaning it has high impact, adaptability, and quality of research and evidence of efficacy.


Jamie Rowswell has been delivering MHFA trainings since 2019, both in-person, and virtually.  Jamie is happy to collaborate to find the right option for your organization.


What are participants saying?


  • "I wasn’t sure what to expect with this course, but feel that I’ve gained really valuable knowledge and insight.  Amazing delivery, thank you for delivering the training in an engaging way, and sharing your knowledge!"

  • "Course should be a mainstay in all schools and workplaces.  Very glad to see this becoming more available to people."

  • "The facilitator engaged participants through use of discussion, case studies, exercises, and ice breakers.  She was very calm, personable, and validating of everyone’s feelings, stories, and levels of understanding."

  • "The entire course was very interactive, and the activities and conversations made this course relevant."

  • "I enjoyed this course so much!"


Interested in setting up a course for your organization?  Reach out today to discuss your options:




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26-Oct-2024 - Durham College (Private)
28-Oct-2024 - Team Rubicon Canada (Private)

©2024 by Good Life Collective Inc.

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